Help me chose: Verity - PBN Montana - Gemme Audio


I am looking a pair of used speakers and the following are available near me:
Reference 3A Grand Veena - $6899
Gemme Audio Katana - $6054
VERITY AUDIO Fidelio - $4224

I do not have anything today :/ I miss listning to music through some "real" speakers. What I do have however is a source. I will use Modwright Transporter to play FLAC/Wav.

I would consider myself a musiclover foremost and audiophile second. What I mean is that I am not looking for a super detalied sound that will make bad recordings sound shit. I hate thin sound and treble that gives you headache. Detailed and organic is what I am looking for, I think. I want to be emotional engaged in the music.

I would rather give up some detail for speakers that breath life.

Bad recordings can not be fixed, that I know.

Sorry for my bad english, I am Swedish ;)


I agrre with 4musica44107. Go with the Verity's. I had them and was very happy. I now own Verity Parsifal Ovations.
Hi Bvdiman,

Interesting response, what in particular do you mean with "Based on their ads alone" - you of course are entitled to your own opinion but we have got a tremendous response from the ad campaign running in Stereophile, overwhelmingly positive. They are meant for you to actually stop and read the ad, not just glance on a pretty picture and read a corny caption like 99% of ads.


Hi Peter,

I guess different ads work for different folks, just happen that the Pbn ones doesn't do it for me. It may have succeeded as a stopper, but sorry to say that compared to the Wilson, Magico, Avagarde, YG ones, the Pbn's came across (projected itself--image wise) as the home industrial type against 'them' being the more established manufacturers. Visually, imo, the artwork and photography needs re-working, also possibly the body copy condensed to it's essence. My apology to have put it rather blatantly.
I would put the Montana's first. I owned Kharma 3.1's for over 3 years. I wanted to have more bass but still keep the beautiful soundstaging and disappearing act. I found them in the Montana's. I have the EPS II's. The sound is full, large, and balanced. They disappear every bit as well as the Kharma's. The Verity that I'm familier with has a ribbon tweeter that I don't care for. That's just me, I don't care for ribbons. I have a custom built sound room and everybody thats been in it goes crazy over the sound in my room. Again this is my view. Your mileage may vary. Peace and Good Listening, Pat.