Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
"Not one size fits all"
The truth Jet. Your wife I suspect has very good ears. Subjectivity is exactly what it is, no matter how good a product is there will always be different impressions. This is why I reject the idea that something is "the best" in absolute terms. Volleyguy "may" ultimately not agree with the vast majority on this thread. Doesn't invalidate what most have reported, Just means it didn't work for him. He's always been a straight shooter IMO. With more wire burn in time he could love it, you never know.
The others will like/love the wire with more burn in folks. They have not heard it yet...period. The wire needs 100 hours to settle in. This wire IS as universal as it gets and all will at least like to love it WITH THE PROPER RUN IN TIME.

If you don't, then you have purchased the wrong wire or like to spend money :) Kind of a joke, well kind of.....
I hope you did not mistake my post for a "one size fits all" or something is "the best." Nor was I attempting to impune Volleyguy1 in any manner; just having a small amount of fun (ribbing). No one has to like what I like. I understand that as a given. It is self-evident this is "subjective" hobby with few, if no "absolutes." Sorry if you took this little repartee in the wrong way. I believe if we were live, my tone, body language, you would know I was just joshing around. I suppose us older folks do not know how to indicate that at all times with "smiley faces" and such😇😅. Best, Rob.

P.S. My wife still likes the Silnote (their expensive interconnect) better.
Hi Rob,
I could relate to Jet's comment regarding his wife's preference between the two cables. That's a real life scenario that I certainly understand. Obviously Jet respects the opinion of his wife or he wouldn't have bothered.
Now I feel bad, sorta; but to be extremely clear I really, absolutely don't care what other people like, or don't in this hobby. I always trust my own ears. I expect everyone else to do the same. I alerted this board to the WE16ga and Belden 8402, Day/Yazaki-san, Timbral Listening as food for thought. To me, Day/Yazaki-san "listening bias" is stated up-front what they like and seek. This information should be helpful to anyone considering a Review or design principle. It is interesting to note/compare/contrast the difference between typical Aphile listening (majority) and Timbral listening (minority). In the WE16ga/Belden 8402 we received a concrete example of wires that meet the standards of some reputable "timbral listeners." They are low-cost. That they play in the big leagues is a plus, plus, should be of some interest. Again, not to say your own listening tastes won't like something else better; as the hackneyed expression states, YMMV. OK. Now let us nit-pick to the death a wire costing around $80 with a verisimilitude to the big boys, say, vs $1,800 or more expensive wire. Carry on, but I think many miss the simple point.