Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Rob, No apology necessary! I really think this wire is going to be fine once I have some burn in time. Even in its current state, I don't know of another wire in that price range that would be as good. And, as I said, I will need to bring another source downstairs before I will know anything for sure. The belden has shipped, so I should have that soon. That first day was pretty frustrating. I can't imagine what was going on. It sounded so bad, I've heard much better sound out of a boom box. Sounded a bit like my 1957 Chevy car radio. Now it sounds COMPLETELY different. Even with 3-4 hours, I am liking it more and more. I have no interest in returning the WE14 (or spending anymore time in the crawl space).

I wonder if Volleyguy is going through something similar?

Output Cap change, WE wire on the inputs and outputs and a nice upgraded fuse. The Lampi was more forced sounding and upfront if you will. It did not let the music come to me, but rather shot it out at me. The Yami lets the music flow with an addictive ease I bet many highly touted $10,000 dacs can't touch. I like the intimacy of the Yami. The Yami sounds like a great SET amp, while the Lampi sounded more like a powerful tube push/pull amp. Trying to help you better understand the differences Rob.
Thanks, your descriptors help significantly. I think when the time is right I will go the Yamamoto route. I trust your ears. Rob
Bill (Brownsfan), was the lack of sound in one channel on that first day caused by either a short or an open in the connections between the amplifier and that speaker? If so, it is very conceivable that the poor sound in the other channel resulted from effects of that short or open on the performance of the amp.

In the case of a short, for obvious reasons. In the case of an open, running a tube amp having an output transformer, such as the Dynamo, with no load on one channel could have resulted in large voltage spikes in the output stage of that channel due to "inductive kickback" from the transformer (Google "inductive kickback" for further info), those spikes conceivably having coupled to some extent into the amplifier's circuitry for the other channel.

Best regards,
-- Al
I don't know, your experience is so unusual and unexpected. Maybe it is the difference between the WE14ga compared to the 16ga? I have three (3) different sets of the WE16ga speaker wire. They all sounded great out the box and just kept getting better and better, top to bottom; completely opposite what you describe, never any nasally sound. Comparing only to our mutual Coincident Dynamo and my system the WE was: big, best soundstage ever, holographic, timbral accuracy, tone, tone, tone, texture, rich saturated color palate, great mids down bass improved, no glare, black background, heard every nuance much, much better, bells, gongs, cymbals, etc. really pristine, top end is sneaky extended, no etch on top register of violins, beautiful wood winds, brass, it is all so musical, coherent. The emotion of the music comes through as well as the intent of musicians. Yeah, natural organic wholeness in a real full weighty transparent manner with the warmth of the real thing. As Ron (colleague of Jeff Day who executed Day's mods) stated, "no one is going to believe what we are hearing." Well, no one is going to believe what I am hearing from the modest Dynamo with WE16ga/Belden, save Grannyring and others who have heard it themselves.

I sincerely wish only the best sound/music for you. Rob