Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Just installed two pair of Belden 8402 ICs with Vampire XLR connectors. I first cooked them for a day and a half on a Cable Cooker. No harshness whatsoever, just pure, natural-sounding music. In absolute terms, the sound of these ICs along with the WE SC's can compete with anything, with the only variable being personal taste. As a value proposition, the combination is off the charts. Thanks guys, for the recommendations.
I am tremendously happy you took me up on my suggestion to write Jeff Day and let him know what/how you made your WE interconnect. That Jeff is jumping on this build right away is impressive. I'm betting Yazaki-San gets this information and builds a pair as well. I'll email Yazaki-San tomorrow. Based on your experience I definitely will get a pair or two put together. Congrats, on the face of it I believe your build is going to knock socks off!!! Too bad there is not much of this wire around.

My brother, half dozen audio buddies have been having a blast today comparing, you guessed it, WE16ga/Belden 8402 taking on all comers, during the afternoon weRocked, finally settling down to some mighty good Jazz. Tomorrow we move to small and large scale classical. So far we have Dana, Wywires, Auditorium 23, Sablon, some others will arrive tomorrow when we are joined by a few more folks. Will make brief comments on what we find out. Best, Rob
The WE wire does indeed need more time to settle in as ICs. They sounded better at 35 hours then they do right now. A tad ragged and not as awe inspiring as yesterday. I will report back after 70 or so hours.

Can still hear portions of greatness, but not as effortless and beautiful as yesterday. Yesterday they were a dream, today they sound like good cables. More time is needed on them.......