Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Jet, have you considered trying finer gauge WE cable for interconnects instead of the 16g?
Salectric, I have some 22guage solid core WE cable coming from the ebay seller tajacobs but no I have considered a finer gauge WE stranded wire and am not sure if tajacobs even sells any. About a week ago when buying the 22g solid core I also bought enough 4ft pieces of WE16 gauge to make another IC. Have you drawn any further conclusions about your WE wire?
No conclusions on WE yet. Even though my initial reactions were not all that favorable, I bought some more WE 16g "just in case" and those are the wires I am breaking in right now on my video setup. These are older WE cables supposedly from the 1950s with terminations on each end. They certainly look like they were used so perhaps they won't need as much breakin as the NOS wire.

Did you happen to see the comments on AA recently by Victor Khomenko (designer of Lamm electronics) regarding breakin generally? His posts were later deleted but they essentially said that the whole notion of breakin is just psychological; it's a matter of the listener getting used to the new sound. He also said something along these lines---people who claim that parts change with breakin never say the sound gets worse, it only gets better, which was evidently to support his view that the changes are all in the listener's mind. I was seriously tempted to call him on this since I can think of a number of things that change for the worse when they breakin fully. Anyway, in my experience, breakin is very real and I can't understand how someone like Victor who is obviously very talented and able to design good sounding amplifiers does not hear the changes in breakin.
Salectric, No I have not seen that post in AA. Glad you bought some extra just-in-case. If you end up not liking it you'll be able to sell it. Given the way you described your rig yesterday I think you will end up liking it.

I have heard good and bad break in several times. Including WIMA caps which I did not like at all in my amp. Several resistors brands as well didnt sound good. These WE16ga IC's...have had several peaks and valleys which were very audible. I found that once the WE16ga speaker wire hit 125 hours they remained pretty consistent, although I confess to never hearing them from the beginning since they were burning in the back room for 125 hours before I stalled them my 300b rig.
My "new" WE 16g wires (the ones from the 1980s or so) started out as bright and thin, but after a few hours, maybe 5 or 6, became very warm in the lower mids and bass and rather dark and closed in on top. I haven't used them since.

The older WE 16g wires that I am breaking in right now will have a lot more hours on them before I try them in the hifi system. As I said before, I am hoping I can use them as internal wiring for my speakers. Right now I have 12g silver-coated copper stranded Mil-Spec wire for the internal wiring, and it sounds very good in that application. However, I would prefer a less massive, more flexible wire, and the WE wires certainly meet that requirement. Sonically we will have to see.