Ayon Audio Made in China?

I read recently that Ayon was made in China-
Is that right --anyone know?
Sometimes we tend to believe in the good side of things. However, If Ayon is really made in Austria. Why didn't they labelled it as such. The answer: Its because they will be breaking the law.
Which brand will pop up next on the "is this one made in China?" radar?
We should run a pool.
China has a lot more good engineers and electronic workers than Austria does, I have no problem with " made in China" on that score.
A Chinese owned company is another story .
S1nn3r posts :"If this is a question about Ayon's integrity. Ask yourself why Ayon isn't up front about where it is actually being manufactured."

This is a loaded question. S1nn3r seems to have some sort of agenda. THE QUESTION is whether Ayon is manufactured in China or not. Period. It has nothing to do with "integrity."

I would ask yourselves what is S1nn3r's objective here?