Ayon Audio Made in China?

I read recently that Ayon was made in China-
Is that right --anyone know?
Which brand will pop up next on the "is this one made in China?" radar?
We should run a pool.
China has a lot more good engineers and electronic workers than Austria does, I have no problem with " made in China" on that score.
A Chinese owned company is another story .
S1nn3r posts :"If this is a question about Ayon's integrity. Ask yourself why Ayon isn't up front about where it is actually being manufactured."

This is a loaded question. S1nn3r seems to have some sort of agenda. THE QUESTION is whether Ayon is manufactured in China or not. Period. It has nothing to do with "integrity."

I would ask yourselves what is S1nn3r's objective here?

I don't understand why you find my post offensive. What I said is simply a fact that companies not being up front where their products are actually made is devious IMO. Rather than just labeling the country of where the HQ is. Otherwise this thread won't even exist.
Add REL subwoofers to that list! No mention on their site about being made in China. Devious!