Headphone DAC/Preamps

I am putting a system together for headphone listening AWAY from my main listening room -- hopefully wired through CAT6 cable). I need a DAC/Headphone amp and Headphones. I have noticed that some DAC/Headphone amps use "mini" plug jacks for their headphone out jacks. Is there any disadvantage between those and a standard 1/4 inch jack?

Does anyone have any hands-on experience to recommend a USB DAC/HEadphone amp (with pre-amp output also -- in case I want to output to an amp and speakers at a LATER DATe)?
I think some Benchmark models can be used as a pre-amp and include a headphone amp. I have almost jumped on one several times for similar reasons, but I went with a full integrated amp with built in DAC and phono that also turned out to be an excellent headphone amp, the Bel Canto C5i.
My recommendations:

Decware Taboo Mk III HPA.

Schitt Audio: Gungnir Multibit/Delta Sigma DAC.

Note: The Taboo is capable of driving most Planar headphones & may be overkill depending if your HPs dynamic HPs. In which case, consider the Decware CSP3.
Thanks for your responses. See Above: Is there any quality difference between the units that use the 1/4 inch jack and the units that use a "mini" jack?

IS there a significant difference between using balanced 1/4 inch and unbalanced 4-pin?