Headphone DAC/Preamps

I am putting a system together for headphone listening AWAY from my main listening room -- hopefully wired through CAT6 cable). I need a DAC/Headphone amp and Headphones. I have noticed that some DAC/Headphone amps use "mini" plug jacks for their headphone out jacks. Is there any disadvantage between those and a standard 1/4 inch jack?

Does anyone have any hands-on experience to recommend a USB DAC/HEadphone amp (with pre-amp output also -- in case I want to output to an amp and speakers at a LATER DATe)?
Thanks for your responses. See Above: Is there any quality difference between the units that use the 1/4 inch jack and the units that use a "mini" jack?

IS there a significant difference between using balanced 1/4 inch and unbalanced 4-pin?
"Is there any quality difference between the units that use the 1/4 inch jack and the units that use a "mini" jack?"

I'm sure they all have differences in sound but I doubt its because of the size jack used.
I use an older Nuforce HDP dac/headphone amp. It's an older piece but I love it. It has the larger jack which suits me as I use Sennheiser HD-650 headphones. I would expect using headphones which have the same size plug as the jack on the amp would be advantageous because you eliminate an extra connection.
BTW, what is your price range?

I can't say positively there is any significant difference between balanced 1/4" & "mini" jack. That's why adapters are made. Buy both & post results.