I've owned both Harbeth and Reynaud, and was unable to get the Offrande Supreme V2 to sound it's best with the rest of my system in my room. I really enjoyed their lively sonic signature, but there was a noticeable midbass suckout that left the music sounding pretty thin. Was advised by Bob Neill (thanks Bob) that I needed an amp with "oompf" to drive them properly. Bought a beefy Karan KAI-180 MKII integrated to drive them, and it helped some, but didn't completely solve the problem.
I've owned both the Harbeth Monitor 30.1 and Compact 7ES3, and they perform much better (to my ears) in my acoustically imperfect space.
FYI, I've owned Proacs, Sonus Fabers, etc. and have never experienced the same issue. Your mileage may vary with your gear in your room.