Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Brief update,
So far,so good with my replacement Elrog 300bs. Dracule1, I also wish these tubes weren't so expensive so that more people could enjoy them. They are truly sublime in my amp/system. They simply make music.
Hi, Dracule1, Glad it all works out for you. I am going through a long system upgrade/transit. After I am settled, I will try Elrog again. Cheers.
Hi Joe (Snowpro),
I have to confess, the more I listen to the Elrogs the more I'm in near awe in what they offer. If they prove to be reliable and durable I'll consider them one of my best audio purchases ever. For people who own a high quality 300b amplifier and cherish natural/organic realism of sound, this is your tube. Music is so alive, present and engaging emotionally with these tubes in use. Honestly striking in my system. It's very difficult to bring a listening session to a close. Matthias, you and your colleagues did a fabulous job with these tubes. Thanks.
I have been a silent observer of this thread. After hearing all the pros and cons of the Elrogs I contacted George Lenz and purchased a pair.

Like many of you I own the Coincident Frank II's which are just superb amps. Can't believe how quiet they are and how cool they run. What a difference from my Joules!

At any rate I wholeheartedly agree with Charles that the Elrogs are something special. Unfortunately after about 100-150 hours one of them crapped out. George told me that these were the new improved versions suitable for the voltage levels of the Franks but apparently that was not the case with mine.

George was very gracious about returning them and currently I am waiting patiently for a replacement pair. They are supposed to be shipped to George on 11/23 so hopefully I will have them soon.

Hopefully the replace to pair will be more robust. They sure make listening to music a joy. Just not the same without them in the system.