Newbie, old timer or returned to analog?

I remember in the 80's lots of folks were dumping vinyl. Seems to me that vinyl folks seem to fall in one of 3 categories- either you're new to vinyl, you've never abandoned vinyl, or you dumped your vinyl and have re-entered the vinyl world.

I started buying vinyl in the 70's and never gave up on vinyl. Sure I bought a CD player at some point but I never got rid of a single LP. And I am still buying vinyl. Can't recall the last cd I bought though.

How about you? Where on the spectrum are you?

into vinyl in my youth until the kids and CD's came along in the early 80's so was out of it until 1995. but more my life was kids and not a music focus.

then the kids left and I got into high end audio and vinyl and i've been back and big time into vinyl for the last 20 years.

I've been hot and cold on digital over these last 20 years; CD's allowed me to explore music and expand my horizons. never been anti-digital. today digital is quite wonderful.....but still not vinyl or tape.

Once I heard CD first time in late 80’s I decided to never give up vinyl. Started building CD collection in mid-90's because of releases that did not go to the vinyl
I stayed with vinyl all the way from my first mono Monkees album.  I do remember the last CD I bought - last week - it came with the Beatles ONE blu-ray set.  It's a remix of ONE.  The blu-rays are highest quality even by todays standards, if you don't mind lip synch promos.  They could have been filmed Yesterday (Ouch!).

I never really gave up on vinyl.  I clearly moved to digital in the 80's but I never sold my LP's or didn't have a tt in my system.  I will admit that the tt often had piles of CD's sitting on top of it.  When I upgraded my system I bought a new tt and I really started to listen again.  It gave me the audio bug back too.