Best tube dac available?

I am looking for suggestions for the best tube dac available. I have heard good things about Audio Note, Zanden,and Ypsilon. I only plan on using it for red book cd's.
not all tube dacs have the same "flavor" and when considering bang for the buck, much subjective judgment goes into suc an assessment.

as i have said before, wavelength and the original zanden are my favorite dacs. unfortunately, both are expensive.

since all tube dacs have different degrees of "tubeyness", it is wise to be more specific as to your sonic requirements.
Modwright Elyse - 6922 signal tubes and 5ar4 rectifier (swapped NOS of both into mine) - excellent dynamics
1+ for Modwright Elyse.  Very musical.

Facten, have you tried the Tungsram 7dj8 tubes in your Elyse?  If so, how do they sound compared to the Siemens A-frame 6922?

Thanks and Merry Christmas!
I had a Lamp is Big 6 and it was wonderful then heard the Bricasti M1 and didn't look back. 

(Dealer disclaimer)