Audio advisor and Constellation amplifiers

Hi,  has anyone seen the latest audio advisor? , they have been selling some krell products,  now Constellation, I have always liked and enjoyed business with audio advisor over the last 20 years,  I'm impressed they are getting some good equipment,  what's your thoughts? 
Hi jl35, I have never bought component’s from audio advisor until I experienced buying a $6,500.000 ayon cd2s digital player that from USA tubes audio, junk equipment and way beyond poor customer service, so I bought a Vincent cds7 digital player from audio advisor, I ended up buying the Vincent two different times, once before the ayon, then again after the ayon player, happy new year.
I don't avoid buying serious gear from them, they just never had what I wanted at the time I wanted it...I live in Michigan and a few friends often go to them directly, all have only good things to say...
Hi, out of curiosity,  what does the Constellation Hercules 2 stereo amplifier retail for? , also,  out of amazement,  the Hercules 2 reminds me of my modded krell 700cx amplifier,  they look a lot the same on the inside,  with the exception that the krell has larger shielded transformers, 2 ×4kva!
I just read in Absolute Sounds that the mono blocks retail for 180k a pair.
Hi taters,  that is very expensive to say the least,  that's the price of the stereo amplifier? , I do not understand why that amplifier would cost that,  I would have one of the Dan D Agostino momentum amplifiers before I would that Constellation Hercules 2 stereo amplifier.