Anyone love TIDAL lossless streaming like I do?

I love Tidal. The sound quality from its Hifi mode (lossless) is truly amazing and awesome. I have lot's of SACDs and lossless on even old recordings in 16/44 rivals it. If you felt sorry that there was not enough Hires content, try Tidal.
My little Chord Hugo dac produces sound that is about on par with my EMM XDS1 cdp. The Tidal streaming even sounds better than the Hires downloads I tried from Acoustic Sounds and Musicdirect. I'm not kidding. I hope people support this because I don't want it to go out of business. Please give it a try. I'm just a user and longtime audiophile with no other interest than keeping this remarkable service alive so I and others can use it.
Heads up to anyone (like me) using Amarra for Tidal. I just checked and you can now download the Amarra for Tidal remote for iOS from the App Store. I haven’t had a chance to use it yet, but the video that Sonic Studio posted looks good! I’ll try it tomorrow. It’s way way past my bedtime.

Below are all the links you need.

- Woody

App Store Link > Amarra Remote by Sonic Studio
Amarra for Tidal >
Video >

No clue what Almarra is but I stream Tidal through Sonos to my Yammie dac and love it!
I listen to classical 90% of the time and use Spotify Premium as a supplement to my vinyl collection. I recently bought a terrific Cambridge Audio CXN streamer so I decided to try Tidal again. Of course the sound is great but for Classical Music Tidal leaves a lot to be desired. If you do a search for Sibelius, for example, you get a listing for records for a mixed bag of composers, many having nothing to do with Sibelius. The listings are very limited and incomplete.They seem to have some kind of generic album listings for many composers that comprise some sort of assembled playlist and are not specific recordings by some artist, orchestra or conductor. Compared to Spotify or Naxos/Classicsonline they are not good and the improvement in sound quality does not make up for the poor selection of artists and recordings. I will cancel Tidal again when this monthly billing is used up. For the money and for my ears Spotify Premium fills the bill. I use it to explore music and composers so when I find something I really like I find a vinyl recording for my library.
theo1124, Please send your feedback about missing classical artists and albums to Tidal Streaming. While there is no guarantee they will include the items you listed above, it is very important for them to hear their classical musical catalog needs to be updated with additional artists, etc.  Tidal needs to hear from its users what classical (or other) artists and recordings are missing from their catalog.  Unfortunately, I know that Tidal needs a legal contract with the artists and/or distributor of these recordings so this process may take some time.  There is a artist feedback form on their web site to summit your requests.  Thanks.

We have both Tidal and Spotify Premium.

The sound quality from Tidal is definitely better (44.1k/16 bit is markedly better sounding than 320k MP3).  When I go to find albums, not all of them are available on Tidal, same with Spotify, but maybe to a lesser extent, not enough to be concerned about.