Dan D'Agostino Is Making 'Big Iron' Again - 800 wpc Monoblocks

Dan D'Agostino, formerly of Krell, is now making big monoblocks again.  
His new amp will be 800 wpc into 8 ohms, doubling all the way down to 2 ohms at 3200 wpc.
It will weigh 150 lbs.  No word yet on what it will cost.  It is due to come out 1st quarter of this year.

Received in an email today from D'Agostino Audio

Today, January 6, 2016
Dan D'Agostino will be live streaming at 1:30PM PST from our display suite in Las Vegas.
Please join him at: http://www.enjoythemusic.com/CES_2016/CES_2016_Live_Stream/
Dan will be discussing the new Progression  800W monaural amplifier and the upgraded Momentum S250 stereo amplifier.

Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems -
Venetian Suite 30-122Highlights:
Momentum S250 stereo amplifier
Progression 800W monaural amplifier
Stromtank S5000 high power independent battery power source
EgglestonWorks - Venetian Suite 30-212
Momentum stereo preamplifierMomentum M400 monaural amplifiers
MQA - Venetian Suite 30-335
Momentum S-250 stereo amplifier
ZenSati - Venetian Suite 34-207
Momentum MLife dCS - Mirage - Penthouse Suite
E4Momentum stereo preamplifier
Momentum M400 monaural power amplifiers
Stromtank S5000 high power independent battery power source

I prefer the aesthetics of the Momentum...The Progression is too similar to Pass...