Turntable for life

I know the question has been asked before but it’s worth asking again. Many change equipment frequently, but have you found your turntable for life?  One that you’ve had for years and still pleases you so much you are going to keep it forever? Price is irrelevant--it can be 300 Dollars or 30.000 Dollars 
I have two Luxman PD444 turntables in long term use. One is 40 years old this year, the other is 36. They've outlasted numerous turntables used alongside them over the decades, including Linn, Pink Triangle, multiple VPIs. The only upgrades have been replacement of the stock sprung feet with a combination of brass cones, damping membrane and bearings, which improved the 444's sound substantially.

The first table I was really happy with was a VPI HW-19 Mk.2, but the Townshend Rock is THE table for use with a Decca/London cartridge. Since I will most likely be using a Super Gold Mk.VII and Reference for the remainder of my years, the Rock it is.
Kudos to those who's summited. I'm still searching but if I may ask. After years of the quest is it the music or the table? I'm on a steady diet of idlers past couple of years. Into 50s and 60s vinyl mostly classical and jazz.
I have owned a Garrard 401, Linn LP12, SME20/2, KuzmaXL4 and now the DC motor version. I would certainly not recommend the Linn, I have heard a few TT which better or equal it at a lower price. I cannot see me changing the Kuzma now or in the future, it needs o be placed on a very solid foundation though.
I still have my Scoutmaster/Dyna 20x with all the upgrades and now a Red Point Model D/Soundsmith (Sotto Voce) soon to be. Which I am sure will be the last TT I ever buy!!!