solid state gear- leave on?

Is it good idea to leave solid state power amps on during the day if they don't make much heat?
EVERYTHING is stressful for the certain piece of equipment more or less...turning it on and off and leaving it on all times...but...devices will work more stable/less neurotic if leaved on all the time...hell...thats what they are build guyz sometimes talking like the equipment will wear off in a 2 weeks if leaved on...most of folks out here dont have 300 bucks receivers but serious and expensive pieces that must work by the specs for at least 15-20 years, especially newer designs with better parts today that time most will change amps 6 dont get what is to worry about...i leave my SS A/B class amp turned all the time, also SS phono and SS d/a...if i had SS class A or anything of the tubes i would turn them off for more practical reasons...
My electronics have an on/off switch, however when off, there still is current going through the component to keep it warm, although at lower power.  It is ready to perform on turn on. (Ayre)
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I would never leave my amp on all day, solid sate should not take to long to warm up as it is solid sate. I have a pair of channel island mono blocks they have no power switch just on or stand by so its stand by until its time to listen but they never run hot. Tube amps or pre amps usually need about 20 to  30 minutes to get to where they sound good. I had an old HK Citation 16s for 18 years never left it on and it finally needed service after all that time. Leaving your solid sate amp on for 4 or 5 hours continuously  should be ok but I would turn it off after you are finished with it.