Ayon "Best of Show 6 years etc" When is enough ENOUGH?

Ok, there are something like 50 Ayon ads up, and so many with those "Best of show" mentions.

Which awards? Which shows?

I understand Audiogon has to live off revenues, but isn't this getting to a point where it could be considered pollution?
As a Arizona resident, I can tell you the "best of show" Audiogon seller is almost a brick and mortar store.  They are 90% "by appointment only".  I have attempted to drop by their store several times and they appear to be "at the warehouse".  So be it.  If you call in advance they will be there. I have purchased several items from them and have had no issues with the products.   They should drop the Best of Show BS and just promote their wares.  Agree with Soniqmike: Which awards?  Which shows?

Don't get the annoyance with the number of ads and/or content,  to each his own, but in the end who cares it's USA Tubes' money and if they want to advertise however that is its business. Have had an Ayon Spirit 2 for a number of years and to my ears it is a pleasant sounding well made amp. Best in Class, I don't know, but not sure the claimn is worth getting worked up about. 

As far as Silnote goes, best IC and digital cables I've had in my system; but again that's just my ears. 
I asked that question along time ago. What award what show? I got tricked into that one about three years ago.  4 grand tricked. Lol
My post is not intended to shed negative light on the brand. I actually OWNED an Ayon Orion with no issues except for replacing 2 remotes at $ 140.00 a pop.. It was a good-sounding amp and probably worth the money. This site for me is first and foremost about have fun, and getting some good insight on the buying and selling of audio gear.

Suggesting that I call the importer - distributor is futile. I was never even given an answer to my suspicions that Ayon is assembled in China (spurred by my cheaply-built and expensive remotes).

Still, I am allergic to BS of any kind. And my voicing it here is no more harmfull than a comment in the "letters" section of a printed audio rag.

And Audiogon is to be credited to allow us to voice our concerns.