Motorman's New Scam Of The Week - the miraculous Furutech LP Demagnetizer

I thought I would find enough snake oil to write something amusing each week.  Partly because I was busy, and party because no particularly expensive scam caught my attention, I have not nominated a new ridiculous piece of audiophile nonsense . . . until now!  Today's new piece of ridiculous snake oil that no audiophile can do without is the Furutech LP Demagnetizer.  Yes, you had no idea that you needed one, did you?  This little baby showed up for the bargain basement price of $1,845.00 (retail, $2,715).

What does this amazing product do?  It demagnetizes your vinyl, because your vinyl contains carbon and carbon attracts a magnetic charge.  That magnetic charge apparently adds "a layer of grit, glare, and haze," that the LP Demagnetizer magically removes. Of course, once your LP has be run through the Demagnetizer, it will reveal the usual "smoother treble and increased dimensionality," according to The Absolute Sound.  Presumably given a nod to just how dumb that may sound, particularly for $2,715, Absolute Sound actually acknowledges "Nor is it an essential piece of equipment. You can probably get more bang for the buck by upgrading a cartridge or tonearm or maybe even by improving the isolation of your ’table with a device like the Minus K product. But if you’re pretty much set on your analog rig and looking for a nifty upgrade—one, let’s face it, that will likely have your friends questioning your sanity  . .  . then the Furutech DeMag is a no-brainer."  

In other words, if you love your current analog rig as is, but feel compelled to waste money on snake oil that you don't need, the Furutech is a "no-brainer."  Let's put aside the fact that The Absolute Sound's review lacks of any type of double-blind listening study, which is the anathema to snake oil salesman, and lets put aside the fact that if LP's really needed a demagnetizer, you can pick one up for $30.  It is more likely that the purchaser of a $2,715 Furutech is the person without a brain.

6Moons adds to the completely unscientific and totally subjective chorus by saying " It seemed as if analog was even more analog. That little edge on middle and high notes, that glare, was completely gone now. Overall the sound was warmer, more rounded and fuller of color."  Of course -- it makes "analog more analog."  Do we check our common sense at the door when we buy audio gear?  I could never figure out why my already wonderfully warm sounding vinyl had "that little edge on the middle and high notes."  Thank you Furutech!  Now I know.

A voice in the wilderness -- Gizmodo, an organization that does not seem beholden to exaggerated and unmeasurable claims of "making analog more analog," summed it up nicely: "Furutech DeMag Demagnetizes Your Money Away"

As always, if you are one of those people that light their cigars with $100 bills, and think nothing of spending $2715 on something that admittedly looks pretty cool even if its worthless, I guess you may be the target market.  But if you haven't checked your common sense at the door . . .

Like you, Motorman - and many others in our community - I abhor snake oil products and scams. If someone found and identified a scam and educates other community members - I think that is a good thing. But simply stating a piece of equipment is a scam without providing any proof is counter productive - doesn't even amuse.

You should not confuse snake oil products or scams with what seems to be simply overpriced. I believe in capitalism - it healthy! If a product in demand can be made less expensive and sold for less - then another manufacturer will sooner or later offer that alternative and create a healthy competitive environment. Remember the first "Quartz Watch"? It was exclusive and expensive - at it's time. Not anymore today.

I bought a used Demag a cople of months ago for $900 on eBay. I am an engineer and I was sceptical about Furutech's claims. I decided to give it a try since I could easily sell it again without a loss. But I still have it and will keep it. I hear what Michael Fremer describes in his review and enjoy using it. The improvement is not dramatic but noticeable in my system. 

Is the MSRP too high? I think so - judged by the estimated cost to make it. But then again - who cares? Nobody is forcing me to buy one.

You think the Furutech is expensive. Try the Acoustic Revive. The Walker Talisman also works, is about $200 but, it takes more effort to use. At least the Furutech or AR allow you to do lengths of cabling as well.

The benefits for their use I'd describe as similar to one using nasal spray when badly congested. The music breathes better.
3 posts
05-15-2016 11:13am
"You think the Furutech is expensive. Try the Acoustic Revive. The Walker Talisman also works, is about $200 but, it takes more effort to use. At least the Furutech or AR allow you to do lengths of cabling as well."

From the Walker Audio website for Talisman, note last sentence Re treating cables:

"Magnetic fields and static electricity can greatly affect audio and video playback equipment and source material. The Talisman temporarily dissipates magnetic fields and static electricity allowing the phono cartridge or laser reader to transmit a purer, more accurate signal. Use the Talisman to treat LPs, CDs, SACDs, DVDs, HD-DVDs, and Blu Ray discs, as well as treating your audio and video cables in place!"

This is exactly why I bought a Strain Gauge cart. It’s not effected by magnetism. Can’t wait for Raul to chime in about what A horrible choice I made .

On a serious note, how many things that were once scoffed at (premium cables, balanced cables, power cords, power conditioners, a audiophile ac outlets) that are now considered a standard part of a high end system)
I just read when AR created the sealed Ancoustic suspension speaker, they didn't know how it worked, just that it sounded better.