Help! Best amp for Rockport Aviors?

I recently purchased a pair of Rockport Aviors to replace my Dynaudio C2s. My system comprises of a Berkeley Reference DAC, Spectral DMC-30SS preamp, and Spectral DMA-260 stereo amp. My intial impression was disappointing - "hot" treble and a lack of low end slam. I assumed that my amp didn't have enough current to drive the Aviors properly so I auditioned the Spectral DMA-400 RS monos with the Aviors and that combo still didn't resonate in the way I first heard the Aviors (kicking myself for not noting the system). My current theory is that the Spectral gear (as much as I love it) isn't a good match for the Rockports; therefore, I have a bit of a quandary - ditch my Spectral system or the Aviors.

I know that Andrew uses a Gryphon stack to voice his speakers. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't kmow of a USA Gryphon dealer and wouldn't purchase a Gryphon component without hearing it in person first.

So cut to the chase: Avior owners out there - what do you drive them with that results in the "softer" treble and bass slam that I know these speakers are capable of. My current guess is to audition Pass Labs.
It's been a while since I did it, but if you click on your name in the upper right corner of the page, you should get a drop-down menu.  Select "My Virtual Systems" to get started.  
Hi Jason,

If the dealer is local to you and he is a Rockport dealer, have him come out to do the proper setup in your room. Just FYI, I have heard most of the Rockport speakers properly setup, and I don't recall any of them being setup toed out - usually toed in. So, I would say your setup is off. Also, they are a ported speaker, so usually the first thing to do is work to get the best possible bass you can get and once you have that, work on toe in, toe out and subtle movements (closer or further to the side walls and to the wall behind the speaker).
Hi babybear,

Thanks for the advice. In your experience, what is the best placement for a ported speaker to get the good bass response? My C2s are also ported (but their port is a good foot higher than the Aviors) and I've never had a problem getting strong bass out of them. What am I doing wrong?

Would you suggest an AC power conditioner (e.g. Shunyata, etc.)? .... I should also mention that this same "hot" and "lean" characteristic is also present in analog sources feed directly to my preamp.
Thanks for the additional info, Jason.  If the same objectionable characteristics occur with analog sources, and with the DAC, all digital sources, and all other nearby possible sources of high frequency noise turned off (e.g., dimmer switches, fluorescent and compact fluorescent lights, computers, uninterruptible power supplies that are sometimes used with computers, etc.), then I guess my theory is ruled out.

Regarding the possibility of adding a power conditioner, no I wasn't specifically suggesting that, and I suppose it's anyone's guess as to whether or not it would be beneficial with respect to this issue or in other ways.

Good luck.  Regards,
-- Al

Proper placement is very dependent on the speaker and your room so there isn't one best place.

Another suggestion that I have is for you to contact the dealer that you purchased them from and based on you saying that they are authorized Rockport dealer - contract with them to travel to your home and do the setup for you. It would be well worth it to have it done correctly.