Does a sub need to be on the floor?

I live on the top floor of a small apartment building.  A sub on the floor would be tough on my neighbors but no one lives above us.  Do people put subs on shelves? 

I don't listen to music all that loud.  Usually the loudest thing I listen to is TV/Entertainment.

And I'm not a huge bass head so I can't imagine ever even wanting a large sub.  Maybe a small 8" one.

I don't have new mains yet - I'm still shopping and so far and like the small bookshelf models (so far without subs) such as Sierra 2's.

Quick answer, sure, just make sure it's not going to rattle the furniture.

But before you worry about that, look at the discussion about whether anyone needs more than an 8" woofer. :)

I think you are putting the carriage before the horse here. :) Get good main speakers and that may be all you need.

Integrating a sub is quite a bit of work.


Quick answer,,,absolutely not..Mines on a isolation riser,best thing I ever did for bottom end control
To slightly exaggerate - adding subs is a desperate move when all other solutions fail.