Nagaoka MP-500 cartridge

Did anyone compare it to other better MM cartridges or perhaps some MC like Lyra Delos?  What are its strong and weak points?

That's why I use Goldring 1042 MM for now and don't consider any MC lower than Lyra Delos. But I thought that Nagaoka 500 could be a meaningful step up from the Goldring. 
Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacearm, AcousTech phono stage. Not going to upgrade right away, this is for the future.
I could have explained that more carefully. I believe there is a 100, 200, 300, and 500 series. I was surprised they carried Nagaoka, so I asked the sales guy what the sweet spot was. He said the 200 series. So just to be clear, he did not say the 200 was as good as the 500. What I got out of it was the 300 is marginally better than the 200, thus making the 200 the Sweet spot. The 500 is clearly the best of the current models.
I have the MP-500--a fine cart, tho I haven't listened to it lately. In terms of MMs, my current fave is a Shelter 201 w/SAS stylus. Signet TKLca is a top performer as well. I'd put the Nagaoka on a tier below that, along with the AT-50ANV. 

You've inspired me to mount it now.
In terms of MMs, my current fave is a Shelter 201 w/SAS stylus. Signet TKLca is a top performer as well. I'd put the Nagaoka on a tier below that, along with the AT-50ANV.
Is that SAS stylus still available for the 201? Which stylus is it--the one for the Sumiko Pearl? Also, did you mean the AT150ANV? 

Yes, it's the SAS-1. Just became available again, now with sapphire instead of boron cantilever. I bought it to fit the Arcam P-77, but it fits the 201 fine. Not sure about the Pearl.

And, yes, I did mean the 150ANV.