
Responses from maxson

SME Armboard for Triplanar
Did you see this listing? 
Current injection (amplification) phono stages
Dynavector P75. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
As an update to earlier discussions of the Arcam 77 with the Jico SAS-1 stylus, a while back I tried the SAS-1 on the Shelter 201 and found a significant improvement (tho I don't recall the details of the difference now). Since then I've been conc... 
Removable headshells 101
In another thread, Halcro talks about pairing plastic bodied carts with metal headshells and metal bodied carts with wooden ones.Then there's this blog   that talks ... 
Age old discussion I know but MM or MC? Benefits?
The Dyna preamp that you bought or are going to buy is what should make your decision for you. It has a current-gain mode for MC carts only. Reportedly works especially well with Dynavector carts. I tried one with the DL-103R and was not that impr... 
Replacement Stylus Shelter 201
Jico SAS-1 fits the 201 body. It's expensive, but far surpasses the original one. 
Need Help with Motor/Battery for Teres 340
I have a 255 and use transmission fluid in the bearing. I have been able to reach Chris in the last few years. It takes a few weeks sometimes, but if I'm persistent it pays off.My problem was the bearing had worn down so that the ball was riding a... 
Shelter 201 Cartridge: I just put it into my system Aug. 6 2016
Listening now to the 201 with a Jico SAS-1 stylus in it. Yes, the neo-SAS costs more than the cartridge itself, but the SAS sounds mighty fine. Haven't listened to the original 201 stylus in a long while, but the SAS definitely took it to another ... 
Anyone still using a Teres table?
I'm using the Teres hardwood clamp with the Extreme Phono carbon fibre donut. I took it off a few months ago and it sounded uptight, put it back on and everything came together again. 
Anyone still using a Teres table?
I recently upgraded my 255 to the new square Verus motor pod. It added significantly to attack and bass solidity. Also have an Extreme Phono carbon fiber mat, helping things sound more musically coherent. TT sits on BDR cones on a Neuance shelf.To... 
Nagaoka MP-500 cartridge
I didn't know in advance that it would fit the Shelter. I bought it for the P-77. Then I saw online it would fit the Shelter.I've had the Shelter for quite awhile but hadn't mounted it recently. When I did I was really happy with how propulsive it... 
Nagaoka MP-500 cartridge
Yes, it's the SAS-1. Just became available again, now with sapphire instead of boron cantilever. I bought it to fit the Arcam P-77, but it fits the 201 fine. Not sure about the Pearl.And, yes, I did mean the 150ANV. 
Nagaoka MP-500 cartridge
I have the MP-500--a fine cart, tho I haven't listened to it lately. In terms of MMs, my current fave is a Shelter 201 w/SAS stylus. Signet TKLca is a top performer as well. I'd put the Nagaoka on a tier below that, along with the AT-50ANV. You've... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Does anyone know a line contact stylus replacement for the TK7E? 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
I've got a Signet TK7E on the way and saw posts on this thread talking about substituting the AT155LC stylus in it. What about the LPGear stylus the ATSAT0155LCU?