Putting together a system...looking for some suggestions

Hey...I'm looking for some suggestions on a system.  I have about a $4k budget and need speakers, an integrated amp, a DAC, and a bluetooth receiver.  I prefer, if possible, that the DAC have built in bluetooth...but it's not critical.

Here are the two system options I have in mind:

1) Rogue Sphinx, Arcam irDAC, GoldenEar Triton Three+


2) Peachtree Nove 150, GoldenEar Triton Three+

I'm leaning heavily towards option 2.  I will add a higher quality record player in the future, but for now I plan to use my Audio Technica that I have had for years.  The only other speakers I have seriously considered are the ELAC UniFi F5.  I'd prefer not to have to get a sub, which is one of the reasons that the Triton is appealing.

The system is just for music, and will be in a decent sized room approx 15'x30' with 7.5' ceilings.  Most of my music will be coming from Rhapsody, Pandora, ITunes, etc.  

Any thoughts on what I am looking at, or alternate suggestions?

I assembled my system for around $4k and I guess it's final since it's never been upgraded since 10 years ago
Aerial 10t $1500
Sunfire 300
Empire 698/shelter 501/AT 5001 analogue
Mytek 192 DAC/preamp
Lenovo Q series mini-desktop as digital player
Mogami silver pre->amp
The rest are generic
I just attended RMAF in Denver and heard the new integrated amp from Elac and their floor standers. The amp and speakers only cost $2,250. This leaves plenty of cash for a respectable CD player/turntable or whatever you want for sources. The integrated has DSP room correction with a really cool app to set it up for your specific environment, Blutooth, phono and it sounded amazing, especially for the price. I listed to megabuck systems and this little setup was incredible value in my opinion. In case you don’t know, Andrew Jones is the lead engineer for Elac. He is a very well known and respected designer of TAD and other great stuff. He is taking his vast knowledge and putting it into very affordable entry level gear for Elac.
Bluetooth support is a very nice feature for an Integrated amp these days.

I understand your time limitations, but ask yourself if it is a good idea to make a final purchase that you may or may not enjoy. $4K is lot of money to me, and to many. See if you can work with your dealer(s) to arrange a brief in-home trial, or establish a return period (watch out for restocking fees).

The first time I bought "real" hi-fi speakers, I went from store to store with my CDs, auditioning about a dozen speakers in my price range. I ended up with a respectable speaker, but I never really enjoyed it in my home with my gear. I upgraded every piece of my system until I realized that the speakers I had so carefully auditioned were just not for me.

The second, and I suspect final, time I bought speakers, I followed a long thread on the brand here on Audiogon, in which users’ descriptions seemed to mirror what I was looking for in a speaker. Since the manufacturer sells direct with a 120-day in home trial, I could listen to them in my home, with my gear, and decide. I would lose only the shipping charges if they did not work out. Well, it was a home run. The speakers did indeed sound as the posters in the thread said they do. I have now had my Ohm Walsh 2000 speakers for seven years, and still enjoy them immensely.

That said, I have heard the G.E. Triton 3, and I was extremely impressed - excellent smooth highs, clean, open sound, with a near-holographic soundstage.  I thought the bass was excellent with the powered bass drivers. The speakers dissappeared into the sounstage, which is one reason I love my Ohms. Now, this was at a dealer who knows how to do set up. But, eve so, they were being fed with modest NAD electronics (a surround AVR, IIRC). YMMV, but I really liked the GEs.

As for the Zu speakers, they are not for everyone.  I know people who swear by them, but I have yet to really enjoy the sound of any of their speakers, and that includes the Dominators ($40K/pr) run from a top-shelf front end and sources.  It's a matter of personal preference.  But if you're willing to eat the shipping, it might be worth it to find out.

But, please, see if you can have a Plan B before you make a final purchase.

Thanks for all the suggestions!  I'm looking into all of them.  Since I can't get to a bunch of dealers in person, I do think that a 60 day in-home trial period is critical which is why I want to buy new, not used.  Although this is my first foray into the hi-fi world, I've been in the guitar gear game for years and know the endless tone search all too well...the constant buy/sell cycle pretty much demands that you shop used.  But, I don't want to put off getting a system much longer, and buying new is the easiest option for me at the moment.

Has anyone owned a pair of the Spatial M3's?  At this point, the GE Triton 3, Magnepan .7, and M3's seem to have my attention.  Those M3'slook pretty great.