Sanity test before you start this hobby

Because i think we might all fail miserably. Some may get carted off 😁
We are a brotherhood, and we span the earth. Neither race color or creed will divide us. We are the meek, and we shall inherit the earth.

Hmmm....I suspect it's too late for a 'sanity test', whatever that might consist of, much less indicate.
Damage control may be the best solution, although it will vary widely with the extent of the 'infection'.
Seems like a great opportunity for an entirely new therapeutic clinic coming to a strip mall near you....  Just think; interventions, complete with straitjackets and ear plugs.  You might return home to find your equipment gone, the family gathered with the therapist to earnestly 'talk to you' about your 'problem'.  A whole new 12 step 'solution' for you to be subjected to.  All your vinyl recycled, your computer formatted, the 'man cave' caved in and redecorated in 'pleasant' florals....and way too much light....

Me?  I'm not paranoid...I know *they're* after me...the cow-eyed bewilderment I can see on their faces when I talk to them about The Hobby.  You should see what They have got planned for the 'Bass-ers' know, the ones with the insanely loud cars and trucks, all amps and woofers, setting off car alarms 2 blocks away.  Inverse waveforms, fighting loud with 'negative loud'.  They turn it up, wondering 'WTF?'  Then shut it off and the car explodes...messy, but effective...

You've been warned....*insane and inane laughter*
I think maintaining sanity is as long as the hobby leads you closer to music and allowing you to enjoy it fully rather than detract.