Seller asked for PayPal fees after the sale. Should I pay them or not?

I recently purchased an item and after accepting my offer the seller asked for PayPal fees (3%). I checked the listing and nothing was listed in the ad about my paying the fees.  I have already payed half the fee but I'm not sure if I should have paid the full amount. Changing the deal after accepting the offer feels wrong to me. Looking for guidance.
Someone above pointed out that it is against Paypal’s rules for a seller to ask the buyer to pay the Paypal fees. Unfortunately, a lot of seller’s ask/require that buyers do pay the Paypal fee, or circumvent the fee by asking the buyer to pay via friends and family. To head this off, before I send a Paypal payment I try to remember to inform the seller that I will be paying for goods and services, and I add up the price and any shipping. This gives the seller a chance to "correct" the final price, and gives me, the buyer to back out or renegotiate. Usually, if someone tries to stuff in last minute charges, I walk away on the basis that they have not been honest. And what if something goes wrong; I don’t want to have to deal a person like this if the item arrives with shipping damage, etc. On walking away from a deal, rarely is a deal a 'must have' deal for me. Letting your acquisitiveness cloud your judgement regarding safety is bad idea. (Acquisitiveness is a mortal sin for Catholics!) Another 'must have' item will probably show up for sale soon, I have learned.
Paypal Friends and Family versus paying for Goods and Services (or merchandise): If you don’t understand the difference, there are no fees to send funds to friends and family. Some sellers of merchandise want to be paid via this method, as it saves them Paypal fees. It is also fraud against Paypal. If you are okaying defrauding Paypal, think about this:
you pay good money for something and pay via the Friends and Family method. The seller sends you a brick. Try going to Paypal and getting them to return your money.  They will say, "what merchandise?" They would at least put a check on your account as someone who doesn't follow their rules, and who, knows? They may kick you off.
End of rant. Sorry, if I had more time I would write a shorter pos
That sucks, @biggiglypanda.
When I list an item for sale, I absorb the Paypal fee. Most buyers will negotiate a price, and if it's too low, I'll remind said buyer that I am paying the fees. IME, the buyer will then accept a fair price.

Audiogon listings are very different than Ebay, where it's the policy that the seller pays all fees. Just look thru the Agon classifieds and see how many sellers are charging a 3% Paypal fee.
If it was not listed for fees in the ad .then you are in no way obligated to pay this .
 If you don't want to pay ,then donot if he does not agree .he has to give you a full refund .for you fullfilled your end of the bargain.
IMO all fees should be listed in the origional ad so it is clear to all parties involved.

i agree with the consensus that you shouldn't pay a previously-undisclosed cost. more fundamentally, i've always found it tacky for a seller to lay off paypal fees on a buyer, much as i would object to a merchant laying off credit card fees--paypal is largely a convenience to the seller by enabling immediate, verified payment and various other protections.