Pioneer Elite vs. Pioneer "Standard" Kuro Plasmas

My primary question is weather or not the "Elite" models are worth the extra dough ? Does anyone know if they can both be ISF calibrated ?

Thank you
I just read the Audioholic and read that Pioneer might be exiting their plasma - I still want to get one before it does phase out - I truly like the Elite over the other plasma like the Samsung and Panasonic - So, I am now searching for a good deal - have anyone purchased a KURO from the advertisement on videogon? Or any other recommendation on where I can get a good deal on a Elite? I will check on the website that is posted on this forum....
Thanks Kenny, I will check them out as well.... are selling the PRO111FD for $2699 and that includes shipping! And it sounds like Pioneer are pulling away from tv after seven months! That is a bummer!!!!!
Can anyone tell me what extra you get out of ISF calibration? All I know about it is a guy comes over and noodles around with the innerds of the plasma. Is there a real noticable difference after they are done? I have the 110FD and I have done what I can with the on screen commands with my remote. Thanks
..just a note. I read that Pioneer is leaving the tv market. I would be wary of the brand now.