Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables

Now, this is not a advertisement, just a posting sharing my experience on some well made great sounding cables at a very reasonable price. Besides, I don't think Cerious Technologies is set up for a big influx of cable orders.

But, if you get the chance to try these cables, please do.

I have been interested in the newer cables coming out that are using Graphene as a conductor. SR cables seemed interesting, but I always hated the way there cables had all those extra wires (with the active shields and such). I then noticed an ad early in I think November or December from Cerious Technologies for Graphene cables. I investigated how the cables were assembled and it seemed like quite a laborious process.

I ordered (with a 30 day money back guarantee) the balanced Graphene interconnects, and boy did they impress me. Such depth, soundstage, realism, frequency smoothness, effortless sound. I was truly impressed!  I now have a complete loom of the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables. That is; interconnects, speaker cables, digital cables and power cords.

I ended up selling all of my other cables and to those of you who have read my postings know that cables have always been my curiosity.

So, as I began this post, let me again iterate, I have no alliance to the company, my posting is for those of you looking for an great alternate high quality Graphene made cable without spending a fortune.

Post removed 

I've had the speaker cables now about 3 weeks and I've got 50+ hours on them I estimate.  If there is more improvement in them, well that would be a bonus because they are better sounding now than any speaker cable I've used in the past. 

For those unaware, the cables come as 4 individual cables, a separate + and a - for each channel, and there is serious heft to these.  These are pretty impressive to handle and look at.  They are very well made and Bob sends along hookup instructions for those who might be confused.  I will say the size of these makes hooking them up a bit of effort.  The connector lead is reduced in diameter for the last half foot from the hose sized cable so that helps but it might be tricky to run these through a tight rack.  My amp sits exposed on a floor rack between my speakers and my speaker connections pose no issue.  I need to get some cable elevators. 

One standout feature is bass support.  I'm getting more bass extension and weight with these than I've ever heard in my system before. 

I've never really been sure what kind of bass effects are used on the Lorde Pure Heroin album.  My LP has always exposed a low level sound effect that has challenged my speaker's bottom range.  I don't use a sub.  It has in the past just pounded without a lot of definition.  I can now clearly hear what is recorded and if by magic my speakers have found a new level of support that only a sub would have exposed.  To be fair, I also have a new tube amp that is far more linear than my previous one, but I swapped the old cables back in once and that was the last time that is going to happen. 

Highs are equally sweet seemingly without end but there is no glare or harshness.  Loud trumpet and violin runs to the instrument's upper limits simply don't offend any more, unless the musician has issues.  LOL.

Lastly and this comes through all the time, the overall macro level sound is very full but with amazing transparency.  I really can't find a sonic fault, and certainly not at Bob's very fair price.

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Great description. They really are very good cables. Did you get spades or banana's?

Hi Everyone,

I have a Mark Levinson System (30.6 DAC, 52 pre-amp and 532 amp) with all Nordost Tyr 2 wiring, expect the digital cable which is Valhalla 1.

System is very 3D sounding but I can tell more could be achieved.

Spoke to Bob yesterday and placed an order.

Will see if this will be an improvement