Jolida Reliability

I am wondering how reliable these amps are. From what I understand it is mainly only the tubes that need replacing, and I see that more as maintenance than a reliability issue.
If there are any Jolida owners on here, how long have you had your Jolida and has anything gone wrong?
I have had a Jolida JD-302CRC integrated amp, JD-9 phono stage, and JD-100A CD player for over four years and have had no trouble at all. If they made a turntable I would probably get that as well but for now use a Pro-Ject Xpression table. The best part of the Jolida integrated amp is the vintage Holland DD getter EL34's along with my Telefunken ECC801S's and vintage Tesla E83CC tubes. Also use Telefunken 12AX7's (blue tip medical grade in phono stage) and standard smooth plate in the CD player.
Since my last post here I've changed to (new Russian) Gold Lion KT88s and I like 'em better than the 150s…or I've grown up, although that's not likely. Groovy "exploding on start-up" Kevin Deal sourced gold pin Mullard 6201s (12AT7), and new version Gold Lion 12AX7s round out the tube contingent. My comparisons of more pricey tube amps in my system, albeit not integrated amps, has demonstrated that common sense says no…my (factory upgraded) 502P sounded as good (or better in some cases), or maybe the stuff I use with it is so lame it brings other amps down to its level and common sense isn't there at all. It's a sham, and I'm a fraud…but I like it...
I bought a slightly used 302b 8 years ago. It sounded great but had on going build quality issues. I called the JoLida factory people who had quite an 'attitude'. After another reliability issue I mothballed the JoLida and replaced it with a Rogue Cronus Magnum. It doesn't sound as musical as the JoLida...but it never leaves me frustrated.
Weird…I talked to the Jolida guys (including Mike Allen, the founder) at length before (and during…they gave me a great deal on my "factory upgrade") buying my amp a few years ago and they were patient and informative…no attitude at all. Maybe things were different 8 years ago, but that's the first time I've heard of those people being anything but helpful…I'll call 'em and try to get a written public apology for you. 
I have a 302b that I bought used from a dealer in San Antonio Texas. It sounded great. Tube rolling was a lot of fun. But in the end, the JoLida's reliability issues caused me to retire it and buy a Rogue Cronus Magnum. The sound is pretty "in your face" ( not completely broken in).,but it has several features that I need which the JoLida doesn't. Since the Rogue isn't completely broken in I can't fairly compare its sound to the JoLy.'s but I think it's a much better value for the buck.