What turntable and TONEARM brands sound best with the Denon DL103 and DL 103R? MC's

Need some recommendation for turntables with TONEARMS that provide the best sound quality with either the Denon DL103R ( retail $379) or Denon DL103 ( retail $229) MC's cartridges.

Is there a major difference in sound quality between the two LOMC's??

Thank you, SJ


To the 3 responders who recommended the Jelco tonearms..

 1) Is there a major audible difference between  the models: Jelco 750

     and Jelco 250? 

  2)  If so, can you describe the difference?

  3)  Unfortunately, I am not a DIY guy, and am not sure I need to push

      the analog envelope that far, but I believe what you say about the  

      sonic benefits of a quality separate tonearm..

      If I decide to  improve upon the U-Turn table. I will just sell it and look

      for a better table with included arm.    Thanks, SJ 

The 750 is supposed to be better but I can't say how much better.  The 750 has a reservoir for damping fluid, the 250 does not.  The 250 is more suitable for high compliance carts than the 750.
There are TT manufacturers that will sell you a turntable with a Jelco.  Avid, GEM Polytable and Edwards Audio come to mind.  Avoid Edwards, I had a bad experience and they are overpriced for what they are.
I use a Technics SL-1210MKII with a 9” Jelco 750 arm. The set-up is used with a Denon DL-103r which was modified with a hardwood body. The 103r replaced a stock DL-103. The 103r is slightly warmer and has a fuller presentation than the 103.

I performed the arm change out and cartridge modifications myself. It was fairly easy, thanks to a few Youtube videos and forums like this.

Take a look at the SOTA turntables web page, they will sell you a new TT and you select an arm from their menu. Yes, they carry the Jelco 750. I’ve never heard any other Jelco’s arms so I won’t comment.

Good Luck!
My dealer carries Jelco, and says the 750's superiority over the 250 is easily heard. The price difference is relatively small, which should make the choice easy for most.
I've seen the 103 used in an EMT 997 banana and at the other extreme an Infinity black widow.. I think you can use the little beast in anything. Personally I use my 1966 version in both my Grace 747 and met SME 3009 with excellent results.  Those arms are mounted to a Dual 1229 and Garrard 301 respectively.

Also used the 301 when I had my LP12 and Ittok arm again with no issues.
