If NOS pre or power tubes became unavailable altogether, what new tubes would you buy?

Hey tuberollers, 

I'm curious to see what happens if there's a gun to your head, or more practically all NOS tubes disappear (dread).  What would you do with your line/pre stage and/or power stage?  

I have tried 5 different NOS 12AU7s and only 1 new 12AU7 in my preamp section (Cifte, RCA black plates (late 50s), Sylvanias, Baldwin organ tubes, Amperex 70s orange globes, and new Chinese stock Primaluna tubes).  In my power section, I have not tried any NOS tubes and 3 types of tubes (stock Chinese Primaluna EL34s, reissue Mullard EL34s, and reissue Gold Lion KT88s).  

Side note: I haven't ventured into NOS power tubes because of the cost and availability/scarcity.  I need 8 of them!

Without having tried anything else, I would be lost on new or reissue 12AU7s.  On the power tube side, I'd be just fine with either the reissue Mullard EL34s or the Gold Lion KT88s.  
Dear @jbhiller : No one has to worry about tube sources because always exist better alternatives that are almost really unknow for many of us and that's why I posted here.

Is clear that many of us want to stay sticky on tube electronics and maybe because many of us already losted the " adventure " esprit of a human been. Looks like many of us already losted the " quest " to find out what to do and how achieve a true better system quality performance level in favor of MUSIC.

Certainly rolling tubes is not a true answer to but try to learn how to look for true answers.

This is what a gentleman posted in other thread :

"""  the most accurate phono cartridges sound more like good digital . This makes me think some people do like pleasant distortion  . Remember ignorance is bliss until you have heard the difference . """

" until you have heard the " true " difference ": we can't have a true valid opinion in what we have not valid experiences.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC not DISTORTIONS,
My mistake, it has to be this way.

"  we can't have a true valid opinion if we have not valid experiences. "

If you can't identify at least one piece of gear you believe is better than whatever other piece of gear (or better yet, the entire signal path) you've heard, as I have asked you for, then I suggest your opinion reflects the depth of your experience. C'mon, give it a try. I won't flame you. I just want to know what experiences you are basing your opinions on. Perhaps I will learn something.
One thing about Raul is he can make you think . This is a tube rolling thread after all . The question I ask myself if different tubes sound different then maybe he is right . I know it is nice to use tubes to change the flavor to our liking but is it a true accurate representation of the recording ? I don’t think so . We must ask again do we want the truth or the euphoric pleasant distortion ? I too am using tube amps and love the way they sound but I am tempted to try a SS amp I am considering a Benchmark ABH-2 . At least I wont sweat in the summer .

raul, please go start your own thread.

enginedr, solid state components can sound very different from each other too. There is no way to know what a recording is supposed to sound like, so you might as well listen to a system that sounds good to you.