Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners

Where are you? What mods have you done ?

I have been using these ET2's for over 9 years now.
I am still figuring them out and learning from them. They can be modified in so many ways. Bruce Thigpen laid down the GENIUS behind this tonearm over 20 years ago. Some of you have owned them for over 20 years !

Tell us your secrets.

New owners – what questions do you have ?

We may even be able to coax Bruce to post here. :^)

There are so many modifications that can be done.

Dressing of the wire with this arm is critical to get optimum sonics along with proper counterweight setup.

Let me start it off.

Please tell us what you have found to be the best wire for the ET-2 tonearm ? One that is pliable/doesn’t crink or curl. Whats the best way of dressing it so it doesn’t impact the arm. Through the spindle - Over the manifold - Below manifold ? What have you come up with ?
 Hi guys, just wanted to warn everyone about a negative  interaction I had with some clown who has an ad posted saying he wants an ET two tonearm.  I answered his ad as I have two of them and right now I am using neither. The one I offered him is in perfect condition and I paid a tech $400 to put a straight shot of top-of-the-line cardas wiring going to their termination block.   The VTA block works perfectly and it is in excellent condition. There is also two pumps with it that I have seen go for good bucks on eBay.   Well he offers me way less than my asking and starts calling me an idiot  and other names when I tell him  never mind, good luck  with the search. He tells me my pump is worth 40 bucks and as proof posts a pic of one on eBay that is not even remotely the same thing. Then he tells me the wiring is $53.   Heck if he has a technician that will put a metre of top-of-the-line card ass wiring on for that money I want to know!  He says that's the trouble with us audio files we think her stuff is all worth way more than it is. Just wanted to put a heads up on this forum as  there could be a good chance somebody from here would offer to sell him one.  I would suggest not to bother as he's obviously looking for champagne on a beer budget.  And nobody needs the verbal abuse from some clown on the Internet. 
Hi Frogman,
No, I wasn't yet ready to blame the raised arm board.  My dascription of positive response was probably the wrong word.  After a very brief listen it just wasn't bad.  Probably a psychoacoustic response.  You know, when you've done a tweak designed to improve your system, you believe (at least initially) that it is good.   Longer listening revealed loss of transparency and focus, shallower soundstage, sandpaper cymbals and loss of impact.  Precisely the symptoms you would expect when VTA is way off.

i started playing with VTA resulting in substantial improvement.   My problem (other than being a klutz) is the only straight lateral line on the Delos is the top where it meets the tonearm.  On top of that my gear is all in a shallow closet so I can't get my head back far enough to sight for level.  

By bed time I was pretty pleased with what I was hearing but won't render final verdict without more listening.

OK, I think I've got VTA set right now.  Cymbals are clean, soundstage back and I can hear the breath with vocalists and in Ben Webster's sax.  In playing with VTA, however, I seem to have run into another issue.  It appears that when I adjust VTA it throws the arm out of level.  Yes, I know the HW 19 is notorious for shifting balance but I don't think that is the problem.  I have a bubble level on the arm board and it stays level.  Just whenever I adjust VTA the arm seems to go out of level.  I've checked and tightened the two screws (pivot and lock) that hold the manifold to the post but that doesn't solve the problem and the VTA lever moves smoothly so I don't think I have chewed up the VTA block.  Any suggestions? 

Chris, I saw your picture about spacing (.02) but I am not sure which joints needs this spacing.  There are 4 screws in the VTA block (2 up and 2 below) and there appears to be two pieces of the block that fasten to the manifold housing.  I can't determine from your picture whether the .02 gap is supposed to be between the two pieces comprising the VTA block or between the VTA block and the manifold housing.  Could this spacing be the source of my issue?

Harry, I can't remember if you have the aluminum base and whether the three points of the base are on wood or metal. The points can dig into a nonmetal armboard throwing it out of level when you change the VTA. -Just a hint.
Thanks John.  No I don't have the aluminum base but I have a pretty hard acrylic armboard and the balancing pointed screws are nice and tight.  But good thought.

Chris, I was mistaken there are not two pieces to the VTA block there is a line across the top on both sides of the block that I thought was a seam. On closer inspection, those lines appear to be marks from a mold or part of the manufacturing process.  So....it is now clear from your picture and diagram that the .02 gap is between the block and the manifold housing.  I suppose if this gap were not the same on both sides of the block adjustments to VTA could be different from one side of the block to the other and this would change the leveling of the manifold housing. I'll check the gap on both sides tomorrow.