What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??

I am curious what speaker cables made a big "jaw dropping difference" in the sound quality of your current speakers.  What most impressed you about the difference;  that is, overall musicality, tighter, deeper bass, midrange clarity and soundstage depth, etc.etc. 

Keep the price of the speaker cables chosen or auditioned at  between $800- $1000 or  from  $1000-$1500. Was the cable bought new or used??

  Thank you,   SJ

While the price point I am going to mention has nothing to do with the question the OP asked, perhaps it can shed some light on cable differences.

As a new Audioquest dealer, I had the opportunity to audition their two top of the line speaker cables on my system.
The wel signature and the wildwood.
The only difference in the cable was some of the Silver strands of the top of the line Wel were replaced with copper in Wildwood. There was still a significant amount of silver in the Wildwood and the winding topology and dialectic active bias was the same.
The audition started with the wildwood and it was fantastic, providing details and timing cues I had never heard previously.

Upon going to the Wel, there was a significant upgrade beyond what I heard.
So my point is that even at the very high of cables, where few compromises have to be made, there are benefits to be had that are not subtle.

I did the test for a golden eared installer who found the same, and I read another opinion that stated the same finding among the 2 cables.

toddverrone I would highly recommend Rio Grand over ebay. Have used them several times over the years. 
To your point Edward506, I totally agree with you that room and speakers would be much more important than cabling. Not to belabor the point and I truly am like you, I don't care one way or another what people believe, maybe some can't hear and I respect that view as well.  I used to believe the same until I listened and I could clearly hear differences, ic, remember the first time it happened to this day. Some make more of a difference than others, some make no difference and some make PROFOUND differences. I have several very expensive cables that I no longer use but still like. They have been replaced by a couple pair of home brewed cables with silver and gold wire that are quite special, the wire wasn't cheap either. Also I have coper  ribbons I use for my tt set-up to pre which I prefer over the homebrews in THAT application. Believe me, listening to cables makes you a better listener, but it can take work at times, enjoy!
For me, the Straight Wire Pro Special SC speaker cables in bi-wire configuration is a great match for my speakers (vintage Von Schweikert VR-5 HSE), setup and room.  I believe they run about $10 a foot nowadays, which isn't bad.  I also use Straight Wire Solo interconnects which made a HUGE improvement over the previous interconnects I had used, including the stock interconnects included with the Camak connectors that came with my used vintage Mark Levinson ML-9 amp at Saturday Audio Exchange several years ago.  
You can view my system here:


And you can also view my review of the Straight Wire Pro Special SC speaker cables here:


