Furutech AC Receptacles

Do the Furutech GTX-D R/G AC receptacles require installation with Furutech wall plates and covers?
No apologies necessary. Rest assured that those who have actually done the work, done the listening and made the comparisons take almost as much amusement, perhaps more, from those insistent on it being a fraud, having no effect, etc., 99% of whom have never made even a token effort to investigate. 

They just know better LOL. Not much has changed in the forums over the years. 

Indeed ... technology is often times a strange and mysterious world. Having worked in the world's greatest technology company for nearly 40 years (started at 19), I've been skeptical of developments, small and large. I was the performance laboratory manager for 13 years (of my 27 years in SW/HW development management). For example; there was no marketplace for small consumer computers, cache memory was a joke someone was pulling on us, no one will use a cash dispensing machine, a small form-factor disk ... it'll never work; or how about a disk operating system for non-commercial purposes? Been there, seen all that. So, I will see (hear) what Furutech is all about and get back to all of you. I and all my technology audiophile friends (who own more patents than I have years) who actually did develop voice technology in the '70s, something called System-R (relational) software and eye recognition. A computer out-duel Ken Jennings? It would never happen - or did it? Maybe there is something to Rhodium treated AC outlets with rare alloys ... maybe not!
Whoa! What?! The world’s greatest technology company? What company could that be? Hmmm.....GE? IBM? RCA? Microsuoft? Apple? Hughes? Lockheed? Rockwell? Boeing? Motorola? Sony? Honeywell? Northrop Grumman? Samsung?