Furutech AC Receptacles

Do the Furutech GTX-D R/G AC receptacles require installation with Furutech wall plates and covers?


Because this would actually be a controlled test and if there is any repeatability this will clearly manifest it self. If the claim is to have any credibility then repeatability is a must. I know that something structured and with logic is not something you normally subscribe to - take your Teleportation tweak, Clever little clock, Aquarium Rocks in small plastic bags etc. you catch y drift I’m sure.

Think of it this way - one complete system connected to just one outlet that can be immediately replaced with another outlet without powering down the system, if any difference is produced by the outlet it will be obvious to anyone listening.

Gee whiz, Peter, you make it sound like you actually did the test. But you failed to deliver after many promises. That’s the only thing that’s obvious. Who cares about all your theories and obvious angst? You have no cred on the street.


Have absolutely no "angst" as you describe it, lets say the test reveals that there is ZERO difference on outlets - and  all your cooky "theories" about directionally of fuses etc are dismissed.

So why don't you write the program and actually try to contribute something  real other that the usual  babble you come up with.

Good Listening


Your personal attacks notwithstanding, what you are saying actually makes no sense. You haven’t done the tests so how can you possibly know in advance what the results are? Duh! How can I tell when your lying? When your mouth moves.

Try spending $3.00 for a "Spark Plug File" at home depot. Run the file over the plug flange faces to make sure they are flat for optimal contact with your $200 receptical. I've seen huge ridges on plug flanges from stamping operation.

@geoffkait  And @wylmars : I'm an Assembly language lover as well. Started my Programming career with Illinois Bell Telephone two weeks after ATT divestiture in January, 1984 (CRIS System). My biggest accomplishments: 1.Tweaked some code which saved 5 hours (clock time) from a billing cycle program. 2. Found an error on an IBM yellow card. 

pbnaudio, its ok, as of late Geoff likes to use words like "angst" and "naysayer" when he pontificates.  He gets kinda "old timey".