Speaker Cable Suggestions

I would appreciate any suggestions on speaker cable choices.  I will be using the following components:
Krell Chorus 5 channel amp
Krell Foundation processor
Oppo 205 Blue Ray
Sequerra Tuner
B&W 802's & Center Channel
My budget is $1500.00 Max, I am looking at used Kimber, Cardas, Audioquest or the new Silnote Orion-M2 Master
Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
@ - walnut - KLE Innovations gZero6 - best bang for the buck - even in their stable

I have not found anything better to date

See http://image99.net/blog/files/category-klei-gzero6-sc.html

Regards - Steve
Lots of suggestions but none claim to own 802's.  I currently have my N802's set up.  I use DH Labs Silversonic Q10 biwire cables.  They are excellent with both of my systems and multiple different amp configurations.  Highly recommended and priced within reason.    
silver is fine as long as you are not overcharged for it

Yes on used cables and change until your complex load (speakers) give you the sound you want

Kimber tells you the inductance of their cables...

for the record I have some free kimber I used on Vandies; when I switched to maggies inductance is not an issue as the Maggies don't care" about the inductance of the cables (nearly pure 4 ohm load at all freqs.)
Another vote for Clear Day cables. You can try that in your system and return them. Paul will send them to you without asking you for your credit card info :-)