Speaker Cable Suggestions

I would appreciate any suggestions on speaker cable choices.  I will be using the following components:
Krell Chorus 5 channel amp
Krell Foundation processor
Oppo 205 Blue Ray
Sequerra Tuner
B&W 802's & Center Channel
My budget is $1500.00 Max, I am looking at used Kimber, Cardas, Audioquest or the new Silnote Orion-M2 Master
Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
Another vote for Clear Day cables. You can try that in your system and return them. Paul will send them to you without asking you for your credit card info :-)
+1 for stringreen and milpai!  You can get two 8 foot pairs of Double Shotguns from Clear Day for $900.  You can audition them for a month and if not satisfied back they go for a full refund.

It can't hurt to call Paul Laudati, the proprietor and tell him about your system and the prospects that his cables might be a good match.  The Clear Days are detailed across the frequency spectrum.  There is an organic sense of realistic dynamics.  Very revealing in the treble but SMOOTH.  I am very sensitive to tipped up treble with any edge whatsoever and it just come through with my set-up. YMMV of course.

Paul does not even charge you for the audition. He simply sends the cables to you. If you do not like, all you need to do is pack them up and send back through USPS which might cost you a MAX of $15.

It is hard to get overcharged for silver if you do a comparison of the sellers on Ebay. Compared to the prices charged by the manufacturers of most silver cables, the cost of making your own silver speaker wires is very reasonable.
I tried Clear Day Double shotguns.  Tried to make them work in my system, but they were a little dry and did not have a very expansive stage.  At the time it was with. Elac FS 409s.  I gave them to an office mate who is getting into to audio, and they sound better in his system on his Mark and Daniel speakers.   I now have Proac D48Rs, I should borrow them back and try them again since I am curious about how they would work with those.