Harbeth Love and your experiences

Hi all,

I LOVE Harbeth speakers.

Some years ago I heard the 40.1s the very first time. I could tell they were special. I remember them pulling me into the music and stopped me trying to analyze how the speakers sound.

A month ago, I heard the 40.2s and they were also good but I kinda remembered the 40.1s sounding better overall.

My Harbeth hunt didn't stop. Today I heard the SLH5Plus and Compact 7es3.

First the SLH5 Plus, very good. I enjoyed them a lot for almost all sort of music type. Then I switched to Compact 7es3. WOW! I loved them. Amazing. Something very special about them. Different than SLH5 Plus. Probably the best speakers I have heard regardless of price.

What is the best Harbeth model you have heard?

I wonder if the older Harbeths sound better? I wonder how the Monitor 30s sound? Or the previous SLH5 (non Plus).

Can you please share your experiences?

My first Harbeth's were PS3ER's and I loved them. Sold them to go up the chain. Purchased the Compact 7 series and I thought it was one of the worst speakers I ever heard in my space. Returned these and bought the 30.1's. These were much better but took four different amps to finally to get them to sing. Right now I am using a LFD NCSE MkII amplifier and it pairs quite nicely. 
Have multiple systems, and one of them is Harbeth based. I had the SHL5 and sold them for the plus version. Improvement in bass alone was worth the change. The over all performance was tighter and better integration of drivers,and bit more extended on top which added detail. The Harbeth magic is still in full play. 
 If it were not for my Rockport system I would move up to the 40.2. I will always own a pair of Harbeths! They remind me of my Quads (63 and 57) without the headaches. They never fail in connecting me with my music.
OK guys. I am finally a proud owner of SHL5s (not Plus version). I found a very good deal on a barely used Tiger Ebony and had to get it! I will probably never know if Compact 7 is better than these also, but I know this; this one is better sounding than the Plus version. To my ears and taste at least. I think my search is over. Although I think Harbeths are not for everyone, they are definitely for me:) Happy Listening!
Ok all you glowing HARBETH fans. Two threads that I have been posting in concerning the best speakers my near field situation, and in one, Omega has been highly recommended (https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/the-eternal-quandary-size-versus-sensitivity-versus-quality-h...
 https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/tube-friendly-monitors-unfortunately-on-a-bookshelf-suggestio... ) .

 I really would value Harbeth owners opinions on how the P3ESR might work for me, in my near field situation? Thanks.