Golden Ear Triton 1 Amplifier suggestions

I bought a pair of these about 2 weeks ago and now have about 50 hours on them. Curently pairing with a Cayin 265ai which is a 40W class A chinese integrated I paid about $600 for in Shanghai. I think it sounds amazing, better in fact than the huge mono block Mcintosh system I demoed them on. Am I crazy? I would love to demo some higher end amplifiers in my home with these to see. With the Cayin they are so damn explosive at times it is scary. Also fleshed out and detailed. BUT always curious about going to the next level. Would love to try some other options and looking for suggestions.
I just heard the Two+s with a Rogue Cronus...sounded great. I'm getting Ones which I will run with my Anthem 225i. I will even see what they sound like with my Denon AVR.
I have the Triton 7's paired with Rogue Cronus Magnum II and it's a great match.   Obviously, the 1's are huge step up from the 7's so I would assume the pairing would be fantastic.  
Even though I have moved on from the Triton 1s for anyone that's wondering I found the best match I tried was a Jolida Fusion Preamp with Odyssey Stratos Extreme amplifier.