The one that got away

Ok, so if we are on Audiogon, we probably are not afraid of used gear. For many of us I suspect we recall "the one that got away"

For me it was a pair of Marantz 10b tuners. $1200 for both of them. What was I thinking? 

What was yours? 
About 7 years ago a gentleman had listed a Denon DCD-3520 in excellent condition on the Tampa C-list for $45.00.  We spoke several times and agreed to meet halfway between Orlando and Tampa the next day.  He called me the next morning and told me his son sold it to one of his friends.  He apologized profusely for not telling his son it was sold.  Luckily I found one for $200.00 in Atlanta about two weeks later.  Still a good deal.


Wow, Love the cars thrown into the mix. For me it was a very solid and fully sorted 72 911S for a meager $15.5, from a very dedicated Porsche guy who had one too many. I dissed it when I stalled pulling up hill at a stop light and the guy behind me was disturbed .... the car was set up for the track and I was a bit nervous I suppose. Ended up with a 74 GTV instead . Not a bad choice for fun  but I would have had a $100K car now.
This question brings back painful memories. "The one that got away" in my case was one of the early Adcom 200 wpc amps (forget the model #). I purchased in ~1986 and liked it well enough. Then had it modified by some then well-regarded mod outfit, and it went way up in sound quality overall, especially the bass. Soon thereafter I bought a used pair of Vandersteen 4's (w/integral dual 12" subs), and put the Adcom to use powering those subs (w/all tube amps on mids/treble). The sound was truly spectacular. The bass shook small objects throughout the 1st floor.

Then I read that one of the Perreaux 200 wpc SS amps was the "bass king." I bought one, used--and here's the extremely foolish part--sold my Adcom to a friend for ~$350 w/o ever listening to Perreaux 1st. Bad mistake. I connected the Perreaux to the sub section of those speakers, turned it on--and it never sounded as good as the Adcom had, either in absolute low frequencies, or overall bass impact.

He's a good friend and still used my old Adcom amp in his home theater set-up. I see it in his living room now & then--and wince!
A fully upgraded Linn Lp12 turntable for under $10,000, but I look at things differently than most.  If it's not there when I look later, it means it wasn't for me.