The one that got away

Ok, so if we are on Audiogon, we probably are not afraid of used gear. For many of us I suspect we recall "the one that got away"

For me it was a pair of Marantz 10b tuners. $1200 for both of them. What was I thinking? 

What was yours? 
This question brings back painful memories. "The one that got away" in my case was one of the early Adcom 200 wpc amps (forget the model #). I purchased in ~1986 and liked it well enough. Then had it modified by some then well-regarded mod outfit, and it went way up in sound quality overall, especially the bass. Soon thereafter I bought a used pair of Vandersteen 4's (w/integral dual 12" subs), and put the Adcom to use powering those subs (w/all tube amps on mids/treble). The sound was truly spectacular. The bass shook small objects throughout the 1st floor.

Then I read that one of the Perreaux 200 wpc SS amps was the "bass king." I bought one, used--and here's the extremely foolish part--sold my Adcom to a friend for ~$350 w/o ever listening to Perreaux 1st. Bad mistake. I connected the Perreaux to the sub section of those speakers, turned it on--and it never sounded as good as the Adcom had, either in absolute low frequencies, or overall bass impact.

He's a good friend and still used my old Adcom amp in his home theater set-up. I see it in his living room now & then--and wince!
A fully upgraded Linn Lp12 turntable for under $10,000, but I look at things differently than most.  If it's not there when I look later, it means it wasn't for me.
I wouldn't feel to bad about letting an Adcom get away. There are probably quite a few that have been thrown away.