Soekris ApS dac1101 another discrete R2R Multibit dac.

They’re coming from everywhere , got to give this one it’s own thread. As I’ve been following his development progress on DiyAudio forums for some time now.
Selling price is great, but postage to Australia could make some hold back, bit steep for something so small that weighs nothing.
This link can be buggy, could be his server, you’ll get there if you keep trying.

Cheers George
I have heard from several people about it.

Keep in mind that he basically used the membership at to troubleshoot and fix the bugs in his rev 1 dac, which he later admitted to being a test bed that shouldn't be compared to other dacs. It was a beta test cleverly disguised as a finished product. He incorporated the work the membership did, which would have cost him thousands in R&D, into the later versions. In other words, he put out a shoddy product and let everyone else fix it for him.

Most responsible, professional companies would have done the right thing and repaired or replaced, or offered trade credit. He told his customers to fix it themselves and then insulted them when they called him on it....I can't recommend doing business with such a company. I would proceed with great caution.

Not again, now he is making noise here after his bashing got booted from, sorry to expose everybody here for that....

He purchased four pcs rev1 dam1021-01 DIY DAC boards in Jan 2015. In Sept 2016 he emailed and asked to return the units for a full refund, as he "was overwhelmed", which I of course couldn't do, those were pretty old boards, the dam1021 was then at rev 4.... Instead I offered to update them for $25 per board, but he declined that.

The dam1021 started life as a test bench for my R-2R Sign Magnitude DAC Technology, it turned out to be great so I decided to offer them to the DIY community at a pretty low cost. Over time it got improved, like all new products, with suggestions for hardware improvements and free firmware updates.

Apparently he got pissed with me and are now throwing around all kinds of accusations. If you believe him just a little bit I can recommend you to read the main dam1021 thread at, but it's kinda pretty long....
I bet you are sorry and you should be for ripping people off with your false and misleading advertising. Yes, the original thread is long because it is all about all the design issues people found with the rev 1. I encourage people to check that out. Notice how Soekris used the members to debug and improve his product for him, saving him thousands in R&D. Clever.

Yes I am pissed, and I am not the only one. People don't like false advertising and products that don't live up to the claims made by companies, especially those who won't stand behind their products but rather insult and spread lies.

I emailed and stated clearly that they weren’t as advertised. You replied that it was a DIY product and I should fix them myself. Yes, I said I was overwhelmed. DIY doesn’t mean fix it yourself!

I did not ask to return them. I asked for a credit on the purchase of the new version or that you repair them. Yes, you offered to repair them- for $100 and postage!

Show me where your original sales ad for the rev 1 says it was a "test bench". It doesn’t, rather, it calls it a "reference quality dac" with "sound quality will be the absolute best, better than any Delta Sigma DAC, in class with discrete DAC’s from totaldac and msb technology."

You admit it was flawed and can’t be compared to other dacs with this comment:

"We all agreed that the stock rev1 was not perfect, but it was really also a test engine for the core R-2R technology, it’s not really fair comparing with that one.... "

"Really a test engine", not a reference quality dac. You should have made that clear up front instead of misleading people into thinking it was a finished, professional product. If you had any integrity you would have done the right thing and offered to repair them without charge. Instead you insult and spread more lies, all over $100. Pretty short sighted in light of all the time you are wasting hopping around all the internet forums lying to people. Would have been far simpler to just repair them and have a satisfied customer.

I thought this thread was about the dac 1101? Without taking sides, I really liked my dac1101 when I had it - sold it and own a different (more $$$) dac now. I didn't feel misled when I purchased it, nor at anytime. I would buy Soekris again.
Gentlemen, this is not productive. It sounds like this thread opened a can of worms. I think this sort of arguments are best done off line.