recommendations of phono preamps < $3000 range

Been obsessing over trying to select a new phono pre .... could use some insights / experience  etc. and then some dealers to contact.

At this point I think I have the list down to either a Sutherland 20/20 or the Parasound JC3+.... was looking hard at the Whest 30RDT SE but it seems to be a little out of my price range and none on the used market. 

I am currently using a well modified Jolida JD9, and have rolled quite a few tubes through it.  

I want a phono pre that is more detailed / articulate, images better... don't care if it is tube or electronic.
Thanks for your thoughts and opinions    Jim
I'll second the Aesthetix Rhea.  The good part about Aesthetix is you can upgrade the same unit over time...Signature and Eclipse versions.  I can't say enough about  he Eclipse version but the base model is very good out of the gate. 
I am currently going through a similar quest. I have a JD9 that is upgraded to include new opamps, Clarity ESA Caps, updated resistors, and tung sol tubes.  I've rolled Mullard, Cifte, RCA Clear Tops, and others through it. It was upgraded by the factory, and I’ve been happy with it. But, the upgrade bug bites, doesn’t it? I’ve had it for 7 or 8 years, and I think it’s great in that it is very flexible and upgradeable. The only thing really left to do is add the bybee power rails. That would be like $500, so I wanted to experiment.

I am in Minneapolis so have the luxury of going to NeedleDoctor, who has many options available. So, I have these on loan from them: Musical Surroundings Nova II, Project PhonoBox SE , Channel Islands PEQ1. All are about $1k. I’m just getting started. But, so far:

On initial setup, the Project and CI were both overly bright and brittle. Both the GF (non audiophile) and I thought it was a step down from the JD9. The Nova was smooth, has great extension, slightly warm, and overall a clear standout.  Great separation and soundstage!

I left them all on overnight to break in, and did some adjustments. For one thing, I have Steger Silver Solids from the TT to the PreAmp and to the Integrated (Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP). I thought maybe the cables were part of the issue, so I traded them out for some mid-range Monster copper. That helped a LOT! And, I worked with each of the preamps to adjust them for my cart (DV 10x5).  After I pick a preamp, I will try going back to the silver cables to see what happens.  Or, may consider other interconnects if necessary.

Now, doing some less than critical listening, they sound very similar to each other. I think the choice between the three is going to be tough. Over the next few days I will do some more listening, with a variety of music. The plan is to pick the favorite one, and then compare it to the JD9. I don’t know how it will flesh out, but my initial thought is that the Musical Surroundings Nova II will be the winner. It seems smooth at all frequencies, and well balanced overall. But, I am not ruling the others out.

Is anyone in Minneapolis who would like to listen with me and the GF to evaluate them all? If yes, then PM me. Later, I will return and give my final thoughts. Needle Doctor allowed me to check them out at home for a week or so. I hope to get close to a decision by Monday, which is when I promised to bring them back. So many thanks to NeedleDoctor, who said I can keep them longer if needed. The guys at ND are full of good information, and SUPER easy to deal with! I worked with Ken, the manager, but all the guys there are smart, informed, fun to work with. Highly recommended dealer!!

I hope this wasn’t too much of a thread-jack. I know this is below the OP’s budget, but may be helpful anyway. So far, what I’m hearing tells me that I don’t need to double or triple my budget to improve on the JD9 and get great sound. FWIW, my speakers are B&W 803N.
Well in that price range there are plenty of good choices. But, if I had your $3000 to spend I would definatly be looking for an Herron VTPH2, or an Aesthetix Rhea then do a little valve shopping. The Rhea is beautiful, the Herron, not so much. At that performance level you cant lose, so me I would choose the Rhea.                                                                                                                                                       I have an Innersound phono stage that's a great piece, on the used market its half the price of those two and they are only marginally better, or just a bit different. But, if I had the budget I would like to have one of those two as I am a big fan of valves. Good luck on your journey!

my 2 cents --

in analog front end it is all about finding synergy relative to your system... are you looking for ... better imaging? smoother highs? better bass or jump factor? lower noise floor?

my experience:

- if u have a dynavector cart u owe it to urself try a p75 in PE mode... there is special synergy there, the effect can be utterly utterly brilliant despite that unassuming little box ... can come across as a little bright for lean systems

- rega aria very nice unit ... excellent detail and imaging with drive - injects a bit of roundness and body to the proceedings so not truly straight wire with gain... like a good tube added into chain with it actually being the case

- ayre p5xe ... super suave and sophisticated/smooth but still super transparent if a teeny bit sterile and lean.... dead dead dead quiet, balanced mode a plus if u can use it

- arc ph3se - brilliant, holographic imaging and glow, while still providing drive and jump... but gain profile can be limiting

- mockingbird jasmine 2.5 du hot rod by philip holmes - very very sweet well rounded unit with lots of gain... tremendous bargain at its bargain price, real giant killer ... slightly rounded sound with good drive, images a little smaller and a little noise in high gain mode

- musical surroundings nova phonomena - quiet quiet but sterile and diminishes drive 

i have stuck with units with plenty of gain (ph3se exception), well above 63 db...

hope this helps