Furutech AC Receptacles

Do the Furutech GTX-D R/G AC receptacles require installation with Furutech wall plates and covers?
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The nature of memory, despite the best efforts of scientists, remains an elusive and capricious entity. It would be difficult to follow the neurological progression which leads one to subjective judgment. I’ve been ill, hospitalized, which has broken the continuity in my listening for a qualitative assessment of the Furutech AC outlets. Perhaps that is a good thing, obviating anticipatory expectations. I will not attribute some higher level of aural performance to the Furutech outlets; that would necessitate my concluding some mystical transcendence resulted in changes in the ‘sound’ of my equipment. But I will say that there is a difference in other attributes that make up my listening experience. There is an elevated preciseness/sharpness in what I would characterize as ‘the attack’ of notes - more energy, thrust, silence. And therein is what I believe is the improvement … the energy delivered to the components that make up my system reacting to its life-blood, electricity. Music is a non-conceptual language, beyond the range of men’s understanding. Some try, others claim to know what a piece of music means or what it signifies. Men only have poetic ideas of what a composer intended, no more. Likewise, I have only an idea of what ‘changed’ with the installation of the Furutech AC outlets; but change it did. Perhaps the electrical signal is purer causing the spaces between notes to be more silent, the vocalist’s breathe livelier, or the striking of the drumhead sharper. What I have concluded is an improvement in a manner independent of the components themselves, or that’s what the neurological progression leads to my subjective judgment … all the rest is silence.


Hope you are feeling better. I too am taking a long time to recover from back surgery.
 I do not know if you can really separate the Outlets from the dedicated lines. I agree that there is a quietness, a precision that the system obtains from a dedicated line and one of the decent outlets.

" Supercalifragicexpalodoious" Don't think I spelled it right. But I think most will get it.

No. A mighty transformation of the system; like fuses do; No. I have thermal magnetic breakers in my Pass amps. NOS telefunkens in my Steelhead phonostage brought just enough of tube magic to my system for me.

 I don't know how many tweeks that I have tried over the years (a lot) but currently I am a happy guy with my current system. Just need to be able to get on a ladder to finish the ceiling treatments.

Thanks for your efforts 
Best Wishes on feeling better.