What sounds best: Vinyl or CDs

My system in an introductory level of high end music reproduction, I realize.  I like music, not so much gadgetry so I am content, although I keep tweeking from time to time trying to get better sound.  Martin Logan ESL mains, Def. Tech 800 subs (2),  NAD C375BEE Int. Amp, Project Debut Carton turntable w/Ortofon Red cartridge, Yamaha S300 CD player (with a Rega Apollo R player on order),  Niagara 1000 power conditioner. My question/concern is this:  My CDs sound Sooo much better than my vinyl albums.  My vinyl collection is substantial, from the '60s through the '80s, with all in great condition.  But on my system CDs are more volume sensitive, with more dynamics and depth.  Is this normal or am I missing something in my system?  I had originally thought, "Oh well, they are 40+ years old with 40+ year old recording technology".  But is there more? I have even gone to point of buying the CD if there is a particular vinyl I want to listen to frequently.  Comments?
I think there is a lot of senseless thread-jacking here. OPs question isn't what's better, cd or TT, and it's not "what's wrong with millennials". OP, you're asking what's wrong with your system

The key thing OP says is that the volume is more sensitive and dynamic with the CD player. This tells me that the issue is the phono preamp.

OP, do you have the optional NAD preamp?  If not, there is your problem. You need a preamp for a turntable. If you do have it, then I suspect a mismatch with your cartridge. Other possibility is that you need a new cartridge. 

I see in one of OPs responses that he's getting a preamp, and I think that's the right move. 
@soundermn I am sorry for being the "hijacker" of the thread and Big Thank You for catching me!!! Once again, SORRY!!!! Rega player shall bring another level of quality to OP, thats a solid upgrade! If you have 10k+ of CDs and x100+ LPs (thats me) then be grateful that your CDs sound better!!! Not my case though... Wish I could find a CD player that beats my LP12!! dCS stack????????!!!!!!! Definitely not my Wadia or Naim SDS3

I upgraded my cart with noticeable improvement. TT has a built-in preamp so another separate preamp won't do unless I buy another TT.
Wax cylinders man…these convey uncompressed musicality in ways that other media cannot. And player piano rolls, although often these require using your legs to pump the pedals on the player piano which may be unique in High End audio. I often add this to the tasks required of my staff as it provides music to the conservatory and keeps them in shape. Sometimes as a joke I’ll add a few extra holes in the piano rolls which although often adding unnecessary tonal dissonance, my staff is required to note these things or face having to explain why they weren’t paying attention to the music when weekly reviews come around. I’ll fire ’em…I will...