Conrad Johnson--does anyone use this brand anymore?

Does anyone have any opinions re Conrad Johnson Phono Pre amps?   
Versus other brands?

I currently have TEASE2---but need step up transformer for cartridge.


I looked into a new C-J preamp when recently upgrading my system For years I have been using and enjoying a C-J PV-10-A (once their entry level pre) into a Krell KST100.
The C-J has been very nice (a steal at the then price of $1K).
 Given the rapid advance into the digital age my take is C-J is staying somewhat "old school" (not bad at all). A new C-J pre plus a DAC would be ideal but pricy. I went with Audio Alchemy DDP-1.
Nice web site for C-J--they are a very fine and "classy" operation.
I agree- johnlnyc

Conrad Johnson does remain a class act. The GAT pre-amp models are state of the art according to their owners. Happy Listening!
johnlnyc, I’ll bet the CJ and Krell sounded great.  For seveal years I used a PV10 with Classe solid state and thoroughly enjoyed the sound.

I still use a premier 14 most of the time in my system.  Also, agree with the “classy” comment.  Great customer service over the years for me with either questions or repair service.  

Looking forward to seeing what CJ brings out in the future. 

Late to the party but CJ is by far my most favorite audio manufacturer.  Currently have a CJ PV12, Evolution 2000 amp, and D/A-2b DAC in my system.

Can't go wrong with CJ, "it just sounds right."
The MF 2250A is still a very good amp, although a little older.
Second, Evolution 2000 was a cool project (hybrid) as well. Grab one if it comes across your radar.
Happy Listening!