Help ! Best MC cartridge for Linn LP12?

I have a LP12 with new EkosSE arm with Skale weight. The TT has Keel chassis, Radikal power, AQ Leopard cable. I use a Krystal MC now. I'm asking what cartridges mate best with my setup from a compliance standpoint- weight mount, suspension table etc.  From that list I'll try narrow down to good selections that mate to my phono/pre. Hopefully I will have a few that I can choose from to suit my listening tastes, knowing that compatibility isn't coloring what I hear. My budget limit is $10k. I have some thoughts already, but don't want to bias comments by naming them. So please help me to narrow my options down to the best candidates. 
To be honest I don't have a list of everything that was done to the LP12 but I was told by the owner it was pretty much maxed out for upgrades. the rest of my  friends system is  Nagra PL L pre amp. driving the 6 Quad mono blocks all have been fully upgraded and rebuilt removing the silly quad cabling system. The work was done by a local friend who builds $25k SET amps and the quads sound very good indeed. the Panels have all be rebuilt and are inside a custom bamboo frame one on top of the other. the whole system is in a dedicated audio room built specifically built for his system with a sub floor for isolation and wiring. I have to say his system is very transparent, very wide and deep sound stage ( best I've ever heard) and fill that room totally. even the base is great with 6 panels. i'll add a couple pictures I took of his place to me profile if you care to look, he's got 15000 records on the walls lol that's what blows me away lol. anyway i'm not saying the LP12 wasn't good sounding just not up to what the others had to offer in musicality drive and toe taping pleasure.

On my LP12 with IttokLV2 my most favorite cart was the Shinon Red Boron. some compared it to the Koetsu  sound.I had mine mounted on a low mass wall mount, with a corian base on spikes. As the Shinon is no longer available, I would be happy with a Koetsu. Or go nuts and get a Soundsmith Strain gauge ! works well in the Ittok :)


glennewdick, how long ago did you happen to listen to this 'maxed out' LP12?-- "Maxed out" meaning it had the latest Keel subchassis, the booplinth, Radikal D power supply and motor, Cirkus bearing, An Ekos SE tonearm, along with the same cartridges that were mounted on all of the other tables....just saying...:0) Or was it perhaps ---less than 'maxed out'!
Papafrgog, you mention Lyra as a possibility. I'm using a Skala, table about the same as yours and an AR Ref 2SE phone pre. Great combination. Open top end, nice mids and strong control of the bass. No 'house sound'. Might be worthwhile to give a Lyra/AR combo a listen.
Good Luck!
I will for sure. The local Linn also sells Lyra and  AR so I could ask them to set up an LP 12 w a Skala and AR phono pre. Ideally get it Demo'd on my system. What do think about used AR equipment?  Certainly seems to have some availability in the used marketplace.