Sanders 10e

Congratulations to Roger Sanders and Sanders Sound Systems on The Absolute Sounds INCREDIBLE REVIEW on the best darn speakers I have EVER heard.  

Roger Sanders - The Genius.  
They are really really good, and in some ways terribly inconvenient. :)

Roger deserves the good press he gets.


I've heard the system several times at Newport and LAAS and it was very good. Always among my top-5 favorites.
Their dpeaker is good their smp not so much .
I compared and own the new ML top series and think it has several advantages and now 24bit room correction and dual powered drivers per speaker using top quality parts, a first finally. 
Sanders too has his own accolades both have their own trade offs 
I put in my own custom caps choices and sounds Excellent .
I haven't had Sanders equipment in my system for about 7 or 8 years.  I remember my ESL amp to be a great piece of gear but more importantly (to me at least) I remember Roger to be one of the most personable and honest guys I have dealt with during the past 30 years in this hobby.