Sanders 10e

Congratulations to Roger Sanders and Sanders Sound Systems on The Absolute Sounds INCREDIBLE REVIEW on the best darn speakers I have EVER heard.  

Roger Sanders - The Genius.  
I've heard the system several times at Newport and LAAS and it was very good. Always among my top-5 favorites.
Their dpeaker is good their smp not so much .
I compared and own the new ML top series and think it has several advantages and now 24bit room correction and dual powered drivers per speaker using top quality parts, a first finally. 
Sanders too has his own accolades both have their own trade offs 
I put in my own custom caps choices and sounds Excellent .
I haven't had Sanders equipment in my system for about 7 or 8 years.  I remember my ESL amp to be a great piece of gear but more importantly (to me at least) I remember Roger to be one of the most personable and honest guys I have dealt with during the past 30 years in this hobby.  

I heard the Sanders ESL's at the Newport Show in 2015, but I don't remember if they were the 10c or 10e. They sounded fantastic, my favorite speaker at the show. In fact, the best sounding demo of any show I've been too, including those playing Infinity IRS' and big SoundLabs.